About Us
The Art of Transformation
Dedicating over 40 years of empassioned focus on being inspired and identifying what can really transform our lives, and what can we put into practice in challenging times, Cary shares the power of HeartAscent group sharing within a simple and clear format that guarantees the highest quality of alertness and understanding of all our mutually interested participants. We will forever expand into deepening participation and awareness if we so choose.

Cary ONeal
Founder & CEO
Cary ONeal excelled in Psychology and Philosophy with a minor in Latin and Greek as an honor student at Loyola University. He lived a spiritual life in an ashram for ten years and practiced meditation two hours a day for over thirty years.
Moved by his deep love for humanity, he has reached over 100 million viewers on three different occasions through his media productions. Integrating his spiritual experience with his exceptional intelligence and photographic memory, he studied advanced psychology paradigms for over three decades.
He conducted in depth research into the psychology of social currency, has attended over 6,000 Satsang meetings, and over 4,000 AA meetings. The breakthrough from these experiences led to filing his patent on PsyberCeuticals and the creation of HeartAscent. Cary is also known worldwide as Mr. Malibu engaging in interviews with global influencers and superstars, and specializes in Malibu seascape and sunset photography. See http://MalibuHD.com for more.
Cary resides in Malibu, California - living "a heavenly dream life full of divine surprises and life transforming challenges' .

Albert Pons
International Development Operations
Albert earned a B.A degree from Florida International University, specializing in International Business and Marketing . He has over 25 years experience in International Business Development, having worked with over 60 countries and travelled to over 40 in all 5 continents.
Created numerous business and social associations; producing, designing, and organizing a large number of seminars, congresses, trade fairs as well as private events.
Having lived in seven countries he uses his multi-cultural know-how to expand and execute the vision and mission of taking HeartAscent to a global scale, where we share generosity, love and inspiration and grow with participants from all over the world. Regardless of where we are we all experience the same needs, fears and feelings.
He presently resides in his home town of Barcelona, Spain with his wife and two children, where he enjoys hiking, walking the dogs , playing tennis and watching Barcelona F.C soccer games.

Artemis Samartzi
Our HeartAscent Expansion Inspirator, Artemis was born and raised in Greece. She is a synchronized swimming athlete, certified coach, and choreographer. Studying the full range of Humanitarian Sciences with the intent to make the world a better place, she graduated from the Law School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Continuously exploring different healing and self discovery modalities such as meditation, non duality, and embodied awareness, she has been facilitating women circles focusing on a wide range of consciousness raising subjects. Her vision is for every human being, including herself, to experience our divine essence, integrating it and embodying it in our outer world. Artemis resides in Athens , Greece .

Georgette Cressend
Leading Edge Spiritual Teacher and Writer
Georgette Cressend is a contemporary spiritual teacher, writer and editor. She is continuously awakening by way of an experiential reality of Unconditional Love. She’s inspired by and living from the recognition that Pure Presence, Source, the Divine, is one’s essential Self.
Offering individual and group gatherings, Georgette meets each individual where they are. As delight and despair are met equally, transmutation occurs and every-day living is increasingly seen from the sublime stability of Source. Unresolved issues, when initially touched upon, are often charged with some degree of irritation.
In her calm and loving approach, Georgette meets the disturbance of unresolved issues with a gentle, soothing receptivity that can diminish and, in some cases, remove them all together.
Georgette resides in Asheville, North Carolina where she conducts daily guided meditations with people all over the world via zoom, phone, and in person.

Ragnar Rosinkranz
Ragnar Rosinkranz is a Leading Filmmaker & Composer in Global Film, TV, & Net. He films and produces high dynamic messaging and music videos, and his 18 years old pop star musician daughter Claire crossed the 1 billion global streams mark. Her breakout “Backyard Boy” has gathered 905 million streams and inspired 3 million-plus TikTok creates.

Alex Young
Customer Support Lead